Happy New Year, Said No One in January 2025
Wow, 2025 arrived before I was ready, and here we are, 27 days in, and it feels like we’ve skipped ahead months — like it’s last September all over again, though I could have named any month.
Last year was a mess, full of stuff I’m not proud of, things I wish I’d handled better. Instead of dealing with them, I just pushed them all under the rug and hoped they’d disappear. They didn’t. Time just moved on, turning days into weeks, weeks into months, and now, potentially, into another year.
Now, here we are, and it feels like time’s just rolling on without me doing much about it. Do people really live like this? I’m not sure, but it seems like it’s just my turn for this chaos, and I gotta say, I’m not loving it.
But hey, on the upside, I’ve been messing around with this radio streaming site I deployed a while back. It’s got a mirror version up and running, but I’m tweaking it with Next.js, adding some cool new stuff here and there. I have also got a few users using my web app, TransAudio. Try it for free, today!
I hope this year turns out well for everyone else. As for me, I’m not so sure; the jury’s still out on that one.